Architecturals available - Generic designs or specific drawings with contract
Every Alltec gate meets the UL-325 standard

Track and operator are raised away from snow, dirt and debris

Smooth operation - the weight does not shift and provides a longer maintenance free life

Wheels with sealed ball bearings
Fully guarded for safety  

2" tubular construction with 3/4" pickets - cross braced to prevent sag

Rubber bumper on nose of gate is standard

Custom finials and designs available



  Be sure you have enough back space for the gate to slide open! The Alltec Monorail Gate requires much less
  Check the grade - most slide gates can not climb a steep grade and still provide security - The Alltec Monorail
  Gate can be installed to climb up to a two foot grade and stay level so it will meet the UL-325 safety standard
  (requires professional installation).
  Check for other obstructions in your design - for example, curbs and storm drains can create difficult situations.
Keep in mind - help is a free call away.

Matching fence and custom layouts are not a challenge but the norm at Alltec.
  Alltec's Universally mounted pre-hung Pedestrian Gate

Easy to install and you don't have to know which way it has to swing.  The design allows you to adapt the gate to the job.  Whether bolt down or in ground, you set up the installation to make it fit.

The Monorail Cantilever Gate
Other standard features;

       (708) 712 0397